Have you been told by your physician that you require knee or hip surgery?  Were you prescribed strong pain medications that make you feel sick?   People are unsure of their choices when it comes to managing their pain.  YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE!  Even when it comes to a nagging injury that you thought would go away with time, but 6-12 months later your still experiencing pain.  If your goal is to be independent with your daily activities then we can help.  We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have.  

Fill the form below to request an appointment or inquire how we can help you or a family member/friend that has any of the following problems:

      • Difficulty walking due to pain or balances issues  *  Have fallen or appear unsteady even while standing *  Difficulty lifting your pet or child due to knee or back pain  * Complaints of pain, tingling, and numbness of the neck/lower back, upper body or lower body *Steadily decreasing activity levels  * Had a work injury or automobile accident * Recently had joint surgery * Injured while participating in sports activities

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